
Download in Windows?

nl flag

Running Windows 7. Want to dual boot at first as I am new to Linux. Do I download to my C drive or a USB flash drive? When I started to download Unbuntu to my C drive, I selected the file to download to. When I looked for it in windows explorer, the name had "trip advisor" in it. So, I cancelled it, then deleted it. What is the flash drive for if I am downloading to the C drive in windows?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Does this answer your question? [How do I install Ubuntu?](
karel avatar
sa flag
Does this answer your question? [What is the proper way of creating installation media from Ubuntu iso?](
cn flag

Ubuntu is not an application that runs under Windows. Ubuntu is a completely separate Operating System, independent of and equal to Windows. But it's not a Windows clone -- Ubuntu is quite different in many ways.

Windows cannot be running when you install Ubuntu, therefore you use the bootable installer on the flash drive.

Step 1: You download the Ubuntu Installer image (
Step 2: You create the Ubuntu Installer from the image (
Step 3: You boot the Ubuntu Installer to actually install Ubuntu on your hard drive (
Step 4: You boot into your new Ubuntu system

Follow the complete process properly -- don't take shortcuts.
Shortcut = Failure.

Janet Lee avatar
nl flag
So there are two downloads I need, right? Ubuntu 20.04 and an ubuntu installer, yes? And, where do I download these files, to a flash drive or to a windows file? And, what is the ubuntu installer image?
user535733 avatar
cn flag
Added links to the appropriate websites and tutorials, Take a deep breath. Go step by step. You need one download not two (Step 1). You download it to a Windows file (NOT onto the flash drive yet). The Ubuntu Installer image is exactly what it says -- it's the file containing the Ubuntu installer. Just like painting a house -- you need all the tools in place, and to use them in the proper sequence. You can't just dump a can of paint on the ground and expect the house to change color.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
@Janet Windows 10 does have Ubuntu in the Microsoft store after you have enabled WSL but right now this is supported only for command line utilities and a desktop experience is currently not officially supported. It's not a very good idea to continue using Windows 7 in any capacity where it is ever connected to the internet. Use of Windows 7 online is a huge flashing target as there are many known vulnerabilities that will never be patched.

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