
How put the appearance of Linux Lite in from ubuntu terminal?

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I want to make the Terminal of Ubuntu look like Linux Lite?

Because in Linux Lite I can see the branch in git and it looks cool.

enter image description here

ChanganAuto avatar
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Linux Lite uses the Mate desktop terminal emulator. So, `mate-terminal` is probably what you want.
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@ChanganAuto No, mate-terminal does not look like this either.
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This link is from a deleted answer which was deleted for being a link-only answer. Someone may be able to write a nice answer with detailed instructions.
guiverc avatar
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All I see from your provided picture is a modified $PS1 ( but I maybe missing what you want us to notice. Also helpful maybe but your tagging gnome-terminal, xfce-terminal confuses me? Prompt or $PS1 works on many terminals.

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