
ImportError: Failed to import any qt binding

cn flag

I want to use %matplotlib qt in jupyter notebook. I tried import PyQt5 and it worked. But when i run %matplotlib qt i got this error ImportError: Failed to import any qt binding Issue is that my system is unable to import following packages.

from .backend_qt5 import (
         QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, _BackendQT5, FigureCanvasQT, FigureManagerQT,
        NavigationToolbar2QT, backend_version)

I even installed QTCreator.

I am using Ubuntu version 20.04, Python 3.8

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
There's no "Ubunto 20". How is it possible this misspelling after looking at the correct word - UBUNTU - each time you boot the system and, among other, this very own website AskUbuntu? Also Ubuntu always used the *year.month* format for all desktop and server products. More recently there's a snap only IoT oriented "Ubuntu Core XX" where XX is the *year* but I'm sure this isn't the one you're asking about. So, your "20" can be 20.04 (LTS, supported) or 20.10 (EoL). Please edit your question accordingly.
Talha Anwar avatar
cn flag
really, i never focus on that, btw its 20.04

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