
Ubuntu flashing not allowed sign after inserting headphone

cn flag

Since yesterday, whenever I am inserting my earphone into the headphone jack, Ubuntu keeps flashing not allowed sign. Also it automatically unpauses videos on youtube and spotify I've checked with 2 different earphones, same issue.

Here's a screenshot

I have tried resetting pulseaudio by removing ~/.config/pulse and killall pulseaudio but didn't work.

Any ideas on where is the problem and how to fix it?

in flag
That icon usually appears when the OS thinks you’re using it in tablet mode and receives input from the keyboard. [Take a look at this answer]( and see if that resolves the issue
Sujan Kumar Mitra avatar
cn flag
The problem is not with the keyboard. It's with the headphone jack.
in flag
I understand what you originally wrote. The icon, however, generally appears as a result of keyboard-related conflicts. The link was to offer avenues of exploration and consideration, not a canonical answer
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
It seems your headphones have a stuck or broken key somewhere.
Sujan Kumar Mitra avatar
cn flag
@ChanganAuto tried with 2 different headphone. same issue.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
If so the problem is likely to be in the connector itself. Try a live session to rule out hardware, it's that simple.

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