
When trying to install fira code font, i get this error: E: The package discord needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it

sa flag

I am trying to install a font on lubuntu 21.04, i get this error: E: The package discord needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.

The command i previously ran was this: sudo apt install fonts-firacode

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
The error message is unrelated. You have broken packages - at least one "not fully installed" - and that prevents the installation of other software or anything else via APT. Fix that first (suggestion: reinstall Discord and then uninstall it if you don' t need it).
Nmath avatar
ng flag
As mentioned, this is unlikely to be related. You have not provided enough details to answer your question. You should always include the whole error as well as all of the steps that are needed to reproduce the error. Thie information you posted is insufficient. Please edit your question and include that information. Also include the outputs of `sudo apt update` and `sudo apt upgrade`. Please use [code fences]( to preserve line breaks and formatting so that we can parse the info and distinguish it from surrounding text.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
FYI: you should never run commands in `apt` without first running `sudo apt update` so you have the current list of available packages. It is also recommended that you update/upgrade all of your software before attempting to install anything new. Not doing this can land you in dependency hell or otherwise break your package management
guiverc avatar
cn flag
the command `rmadison discord` gets no results; ie. it's not a Ubuntu package for any supported release (including ESM) The closest online search would be but I'd do what was already suggested; `sudo apt update` and view your sources (esp. 3rd party), are any unusual messages/warnings shown? If no clue there, I'd likely explore `apt` logs found in `/var/log/apt/history.log` to *jog* your memory as it'll have been added by a user with `sudo` rights on your box. `sudo apt -f install` may give help..
ihbhuibhuibhuisonicy avatar
sa flag
Removing the broken package worked! thanks!

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