
adb command not found after installed it

cn flag

I have install adb from terminal. But when I type "adb version" it's not found. Can anyone help me about this problem?

enter image description here

Anurag.k avatar
in flag
Please provide more information. How did you install it
GAD3R avatar
cn flag
What is the output of `/usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb`
CrazyTux avatar
us flag
i have just tried in my own pc again, `cd` into your `platform-tools` directory and then use the `adb` command like a script `./adb <options>`.
cn flag
I am installed follow this link But it's still not working for me.
in flag

Use this command for adb installation:

apt install android-tools-adb
cn flag
Installed successfully. But when I run the command "adb version", it displays the message "command adb not found"
Anurag.k avatar
in flag
This should work. Verify that your are not having any other adb package installed before installing this. Do `apt autoremove`. Reboot your system after install.
us flag
  1. Download the Android SDK Platform Tools ZIP file for Linux from this link.
  2. Move the file to the location you want to store adb using the following command sudo mv /wanted/location/.
  3. Extract the ZIP with unzip command.
  4. Enter to platform-tools/ directory with cd platform-tools/
    • if you are not in the extracted directory use the full PATH cd /home/user/directory/platform-tools
  5. Now you can use the adb tool from inside the platform-tools directory using ./adb [options] for example ./adb version.
  • This solution is given from XDA-DEVELOPERS forum.
  • For more information you can look in the original manual on this link
cn flag
Thanks it works for me! :)

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