
Taskbar not showing

cn flag

im using Ubuntu 18.04(Xfce) And my task bars are not showing This is what my apps look like when i open them. They are also not showing in my xfce panel

Onii_ Chan2 avatar
cn flag
Please help im new to using linux and i use this pc for school
Onii_ Chan2 avatar
cn flag
I also cant alt-tab and alt-f4 but my keyboard is responding
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Reinstallation of Xubuntu task package by `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop^` may help. Then reboot.
Onii_ Chan2 avatar
cn flag
I'll try thanks
Onii_ Chan2 avatar
cn flag
Its still the same
Onii_ Chan2 avatar
cn flag
I also cant exit them cause theres no "x" button
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
`sudo reboot` from already running terminal or from Ctrl+Alt+F3 text terminal should work.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
It maybe the result of themes you've chosen to use; from your picture I can't make out what it's showing (a full desktop isn't visible), but I do know some themes don't have buttons intentionally by design, and if you've removed your panel via command it may not return (without manual edit; though if you just killed it; it should re-appear on logout/login again).
Onii_ Chan2 avatar
cn flag
Hello, update i got it fixed by changing my desktop environment the taskbars are showing again, thanks for all the help. I will update if anything else comes up
cn flag

I fixed it by changing my desktop environment thanks everyone for the help


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