
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is taking about 3 plus mintues to boot?

ph flag

Every time I boot up Ubuntu 20.04 LTS it takes over 3 minutes to boot. Please help. Here is the usual information asked to clear this up thanks.

Startup finished in 6.625s (kernel) + 58.454s (userspace) = 1min 5.079s reached after 58.411s in userspace

systemd-analyze blame
30.235s plymouth-quit-wait.service                           
19.934s snapd.service                                        
15.631s dev-sda6.device                                      
13.012s networkd-dispatcher.service                          
 8.730s udisks2.service                                      
 8.633s NetworkManager-wait-online.service                   
 7.633s accounts-daemon.service                              
 6.471s NetworkManager.service                               
 6.400s polkit.service                                       
 5.532s ModemManager.service                                 
 4.950s avahi-daemon.service                                 
 3.945s dev-loop0.device                                     
 3.923s dev-loop1.device                                     
 3.919s dev-loop2.device                                     
 3.876s dev-loop3.device                                     
 3.851s dev-loop4.device                                     
 3.850s dev-loop5.device                                     
 3.821s dev-loop6.device                                     
 3.816s dev-loop7.device                                     
 3.707s switcheroo-control.service                           
 3.693s thermald.service                                     
 3.679s systemd-logind.service                               
 3.605s wpa_supplicant.service

systemd-analyze critical-chain
The time when unit became active or started is printed after the "@" character.
The time the unit took to start is printed after the "+" character. @58.411s
└─ @58.411s
  └─snapd.seeded.service @42.595s +453ms
    └─snapd.service @22.655s +19.934s
      └─ @21.349s
        └─ @21.349s
          └─snapd.socket @21.345s +2ms
            └─ @21.242s
              └─snapd.apparmor.service @20.529s +712ms
                └─apparmor.service @19.482s +1.044s
                  └─ @19.479s
                    └─run-user-1000-gvfs.mount @41.632s
                      └─run-user-1000.mount @35.649s
                        └─ @5.103s
                          └─systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service @4.552s +550ms
                            └─systemd-sysusers.service @3.984s +564ms
                              └─systemd-remount-fs.service @3.481s +165ms
                                └─systemd-journald.socket @3.282s
                                  └─-.mount @3.271s
                                    └─system.slice @3.271s

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