
Access to my local server from laptop

kp flag

I have a local GPU machine at home and want to be able to connect remotely to it with the laptop. What are the best practices and solutions for this?

Local GPU machine: Ubuntu 20

Laptop: Mac os


  • I want to do programming (e.g. vs code) and run my code on the local server.
  • It's fine to have terminal-based access (e.g. ssh). But I also need to synchronize my code between local machine and laptop while I'm coding with vs code (code is located on local machine).
  • Please provide detailed steps of setuping ssh connection, automated synchronization of the code (or data) and run script on the local machine.

Thank you.

David avatar
cn flag
What is a GPU machine? What version of Ubuntu are you using? What OS is on the laptop? You need way more info here f you want any help.
uz flag
The standard solution is to install OpenSSH server on the Ubuntu system, and use a SSH client on the Mac to make a connection. Does that answer your question?
raj avatar
cn flag
How do you want to connect remotely, ie. what service do you want to use, because there are different ones? You can use a text-only shell using SSH, as in the above comments, or if you want to use graphical desktop, something like VNC or RDP server would be needed.
ar flag
Does this answer your question? [Remote desktop access between 2 Ubuntu 20.04 devices over the internet](
us flag

The two main technologies to look into are "ssh" and "vnc".

If all you need is away of logging in remotely to open a text terminal (to run build scripts in, etc), then ssh is your tool of choice.

If you need to be able to "see the screen" of that remove machine (in a window), then the tool(s) to look into are VNC (TigerVNC etc); these allow you to show that remote machine's desktop in a window on your mac. Warning: it's not always trivial to set up.


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