
Can't open GPARTED

kr flag

When trying to use GPARTED, the first thing I do is try to install the app despite I get gparted is already the newest version (1.0.0-0.1build1), later on, can not open the program.

I bet should be a bug.

enter image description here

Any help?


in flag
[This may be the answer you're looking for](
Broadsworde avatar
jp flag
SUPER > gparted
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Does this answer your question? [How to open Gparted terminal?](
darth_epoxy avatar
nl flag
gparted is a seerios tool that can destroy your hard drives in an instant. You must use sudo to run it from the terminal `sudo gparted` will get it launched.
David avatar
cn flag
The data on the drives I do not think the drives.
nobody avatar
gh flag
what gives `echo $PATH` Normally gparted lies in `/usr/sbin/gparted` Try to start it with `pkexec gparted`
DBG avatar
kr flag
@matigo I've already installed using either apt-get or apt
DBG avatar
kr flag
@guiverc it talks abt parted in the console & ain't what am looking for.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've provided no OS & release details; but if you're using a text only system, you cannot use GUI tools. (we only know about your system from what you tell us, and you've provided almost no details) ; it opens fine on my own system (in GUI) using detail from that answer - but my system may differ to your *unstated* system as I'm using a desktop release. You may have changed your $PATH, but again you've not provided any OS & release details so I don't know what's default for your *unstated* system.
DBG avatar
kr flag
@guiverc do I need to specify my OS if this is a forum that its name is **AskUbuntu** ?!
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu has many products, you've provided no release details that provide clues as to your stack (I asked for OS & release details if you look). Yes you used an `apt-get` in your paste, which tells me you're not on a *year* product Ubuntu system (eg. Ubuntu Core 20) as they are *snap* only and the command would be `snap install`... but the command would work if using a supported desktop release as I've already mentioned & tested on my own box. Release details allow us to understand better your stack & the differences to the stack we use ourselves (ie. what we tend to assume)...
DBG avatar
kr flag
@guiverc you are right, haven't noticed release before, beg you pardon. Anyway, I used both apt and apt-get for installing GPARTED. Not present in the Snap's package

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