
Failed recovery mode in Ubuntu 20.04

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I ran out of free space in my ubuntu, I could not load ubuntu normally as before, so I was working through recovery mode but I did not understand what happened that recovery mode also failed so when I click on advanced options for Ubuntu, and then choose recovery mode, It just gives me the error message of failed recovery mode. How can I repair this issue?

WinEunuuchs2Unix avatar
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You could try booting with a Live-USB, mounting the partition that is full, copying off pictures and videos and deleting them. Then hopefully you can boot normally without recovery mode.
MA19 avatar
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@WinEunuuchs2Unix that does not help since I do not have any extra pics and videos on my ubuntu to delete and I need to go into recovery mode
user535733 avatar
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You "repair" the issue exactly the way @WinEunuuchs2Unix wrote: You boot from a LiveUSB and then delete *something* that was filling your space. If you still want those files, copy them to another media instead of deleting.

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