
Ubuntu Kernel 5.11 doesnt like my Asus board

ng flag

Here's what I know:

Threw the drive from a newish HP I bought that I put the newest but not Dev 'Buntu onto. Now I plugged it in to my old system based on an Asus B350 board. Now I get a kernel panic message. :(

Do you need more details to know more?



Nmath avatar
ng flag
Yes we need more details. You haven't really given us any. You should include the version and flavor of Ubuntu you are using and if you want us to consult on an error you are getting, you need to provide the actual text of the whole error as well as the exact steps that you take to reproduce the issue. It's also not clear what you did. Did you already have Ubuntu installed on another computer and transplanted the hard drive to this new system? If so, realize that best practice is to cleanly install the OS on new hardware.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
I don't think we need to know more details. Sometimes a hard-drive transplant works. Sometimes not. You were unlucky. Time to make a LiveUSB installer and install properly.

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