
Can't run an AppImage on Ubuntu 20.04

cn flag

I'm not able to run AppImages on my Ubuntu 20.04. All the permissions are ok (see pic 1) and I have tried the terminal too (see pic 2). The messages in the terminal are dlopen(): error loading and AppImages require FUSE to run. but fuse is already installed (see pic 3), it says fuse is already the newest version (2.9.9-3). I've tried to reinstall fuse with the --reinstall apt option, same results.

Any thoughts?

Thank you in advance :)

Permissions are ok

Tried the terminal

Fuse is already installed

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
ia32 sounds strange. What do you have for `arch; uname -a`?
jmath1983 avatar
cn flag
It was the wrong arch indeed. Thank you!
Ng Sharma avatar
in flag
de flag

I solved the issue related to the error message:

dlopen(): error loading

AppImages require FUSE to run.

By installing FUSE.

For Ubuntu < 22.04 use:

sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse2

For Ubuntu >= 22.04 use:

sudo apt install libfuse2


abd3lraouf avatar
cn flag
This should be the accepted answer
Bono avatar
cm flag
I did required `fuse` for my AppImage to work on Ubuntu >= 22.04.
zw flag

You have to download appimage for your actual CPU architecture.

The most popular is amd64. So download link for BalenaEtcher would be .

jmath1983 avatar
cn flag
Can't believe I've dowloaded the wrong version. Now it's working. Thank you!
George Pligoropoulos avatar
az flag
For someone who downloaded the correct version should run `sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse2` and enjoy
Ilario avatar
br flag
@GeorgePligoropoulos installing `libfuse2` did the trick for me. Not `fuse`, that would conflict with `fuse3` that I already have, but the library was required

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