
How to rename the interface name in Ubuntu 20?

ng flag

I had to do a emergency upgrade from 18 to 20.04 but one problem I have is that my interface got renamed from eno1 to something else.

I know you can use netplan match to change the name but I can't use this because A) I got a standard image used for many systems so inputting a mac address manually each time won't work and B) I got a bridge that relies on the above interface and it doesn't appear that works in combination with renaming interfaces.

I also tried the ip link set name command but this doesn't survive a reboot.

Is there a sane manner in which I can simply tell Ubuntu to give a set name to a Ethernet device?

guiverc avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu Core 18 is a different system (releases that are *year* in format are *snap* only) to a 20.04 system, so are you sure you upgraded from Ubuntu Core 18 to 20.04; ie. change of products. Ubuntu has had *year* products since 2016. An upgrade from Ubuntu Core 18 to Ubuntu Core 20 makes no changes to applications (*snap* packages are the same for any release so no changes should have occurred in any 18 to 20 upgrade; again different products to 18.04 & 20.04 or *year.month* systems)
sjaak avatar
ng flag
Sorry, I mean Ubuntu 18.04. Still testing but I think I "solved" the problem by running a cronjob that renames the interface at boot.
Thomas Aichinger avatar
cn flag
How did you set the interface name in old system? Upgrade to 18.04 or 20.04. What is the target now? This is a big difference, since 18.04 first introduced netplan.

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