
How to setup VPN to trust specific expired certificate

pk flag

The certificate for a specific vpn server I need to be accessing has expired. It is a server from my work, and I keep bugging our overloaded admin to update it. So far and until he does, I have to always tell ubuntu I "know what I am doing" but sometimes I am in a hurry and do not fully check that it looks correct, so this is a potential problem.

I know and trust the holder of the certificate even though its expired, but have no control to change the expired certificate. Is there a way to set this particular certificate as trusted? I understand this is a bad idea, but the alternative solution is also a bad idea.

I think am using what should be the default for Ubuntu 20.04.03 LTS, (Set it up from settings-->Network--> VPN <clicked +> with protocol VPN Protocol being Cisco AnyConnect or openconnect) enter image description here enter image description here

muru avatar
us flag
What are you using to connect to this VPN?
ntg avatar
pk flag
the default available, with openconnect i think... added 2 screenshots
ru flag
Expired certificates cannot be trusted when using AnyConnect - it's an issue that you can't override on the local side of things. AnyConnect / OpenConnect spec details that the certificate has to be valid to work. The SSL checks are hardcoded into the protocol and client, and can't be overridden globally.

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