
I changed my /usr permission of ec2 instance to read only . After that not able to perform any command

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I changed my /usr permission to read only . After that not able to perform any command.

Not event able to execute , "clear" or any other operation , nor able to login as sudo . sudo command is not found.

/usr/ now has following permission : dr--------

What can I do to get following permission back : drwxr-xr-x

I am unable to perform any operation like : vi sudo chmod clear

David avatar
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Why did you change it? What were you trying to do?
Akshat singh bais avatar
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i was trying to update my node version , for which it wanted to create a folder in bin , so I tried changing its permission and this happened. Any idea , how can I perform othrer activities and set my /usr/ permission back to previous ones ? :( Now I can't even "cd" inside /usr/ .
cn flag
Create an Ubuntu image on a USB drive. Boot from it. Then mount your `/` drive and try changing the permissions back.
Akshat singh bais avatar
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@Ray . This I did on an ec2 instance . How can i do that what you have suggested ?
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If it’s an EC2 instance, you’re out of luck. Terminate and recreate
cn flag
Well, `chmod` is just a program that is from the package `coreutils`. I suppose another way is to extract the minimum number of programs you need to fix your problem over to your EC2 instance. You can give that a try. But honestly, it's probably easier to recreate your EC2 instance.
Akshat singh bais avatar
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@matigo are you sure ? No solution is possible ?
Akshat singh bais avatar
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@Ray , I didn't understand : extract the minimum number of programs ? Can you please help me with that
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You closed off access to `/usr` so you can try to put `chmod` in your home directory and run that, instead. *If* you had another EC2 instance, for example, you can take its copy of the `chmod` program at `/usr/bin/chmod`, and put it on the system that is giving you problems (i.e., ftp it over). Then, use this `chmod` command to fix `/usr`. If you don't have this option available to you, then you are stuck...
Akshat singh bais avatar
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@Community what part is unclear ? I have mentioned above that accidently I changed /usr/ permission to "Read" only and now I am unable to perform any operation on the server. What can I do to reset the permission or get the earlier permission , so that I can perform normal commands again like : "vi" , "clear" , "sudo" , "chmod"
cn flag
@matigo nope. same method is possible ;-)
cn flag

When you are using instances (google cloud, aws, azure) the method to do this is:

Create a new instance, attach the old instance as a mountpoint, fix your settings on the mount point, and boot into your old instance.

Akshat singh bais avatar
in flag
Hey @Rinzwind , thanks for you answer , can you please help me with some steps . Didn't understand.
cn flag
That is going to a very long read and I know how to do it in google gce AWS seems similar and AWS has a guide here: But you probably know most of that since you already have an instance(?)

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