
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out

in flag

I have read every related questions but could not find solution yet. I am still new to AWS but managed to set up an instance and deploy my website. My uwf status was inactive so I hit sudo ufw enable but I forgot to hit sudo ufw allow ssh and now I can not use ssh when I press ssh -i /Users/xyz/files/webshop.pem [email protected] in my mac terminal. Is there any rapid way to manage the issue without creating a new instance on AWS?

Any help would be greatly appreciated (I have to demo my applcation on Thursady).

user535733 avatar
cn flag
You locked your door, then closed the locked door behind you without a key in your pocket. No, there is no easy way to open the locked door now using ssh. If there were, it wouldn't be a useful lock.
in flag
Thanks @user535733. So better if I delete and create a new instance? No any way to solv it with aws maybe?
user535733 avatar
cn flag
I'm not familiar enough with AWS tools to say. (If I were, I'd have written an answer). I was only discussing the dismal possibility of an SSH-based solution.
in flag
Understood. Now I learnt this for good...
fr flag

See which addresses exactly this use case, where SSH access is no longer available.


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