
FTP user and group permissions situation

in flag

I want to setup my FTP area to work as follows:

Setup a group of folders under /home, one for each user:

  • /home/ftp/usrA
  • /home/ftp/usrB
  • /home/ftp/usrC

Each user must have a login user/pass and access to every folder and file in that /home/ftp area.

Furthermore, any new folders created by users using ftp client should have permissions set as stated above.

I've looked at some user and group docs online and can't find a solution. My understanding has shifted away from linux.

waltinator avatar
it flag
Since the ftp protocol requires sending the `userid` and `password` as cleartext, vulnerable to any network snooper, it isn't used much anymore. Investigate `samba`, `sshfs`, `NFS`, ...

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