
How to enter username and password of the internet in ubuntu server?

in flag

I have installed Ubuntu server on my PC.

I've got a modem and I connect my PC to the modem through a wired connection.

I connect to my PC from my laptop with ssh. it works, but when I wanna install something on my server it doesn't work.

My PC (my server) is connected to the modem through a wired connection and my modem needs a username and password to connect to the internet.

How can I fix this problem?

David avatar
cn flag
As written this can not be answered. What version of Ubuntu? You need to explain how the server needs a name and password to access internet.
Hossein Safari avatar
in flag
ubuntu server 20.04. and for connecting to my internet, it needs to enter a username and password.
David avatar
cn flag
OK if it is a server then it does not use a username and password for that. What are you trying to do it still makes no sense.
Hossein Safari avatar
in flag
when I try to ```sudo apt-get update``` it gets ```Check your Internet connection or proxy settings``` error.
David avatar
cn flag
Yes I get you are not connected to the internet what does not make sense is Ubuntu server does not use a username and password to access the internet it is a server. I think you are not telling all the info. Is the Ubuntu server running on top of Windows as a WSL?
Hossein Safari avatar
in flag
no, I just installed an ubuntu server on my pc.
Hossein Safari avatar
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Let us [continue this discussion in chat](
hr flag
If you connect directly to a modem (not through a router) then you may need to set up a PPPOE connection. See for example [2 Ways to Create PPPoE Connection in Ubuntu](
Hossein Safari avatar
in flag
When I don't have access to internet, how to install ```sudo apt install pppoeconf ```??

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