
Dual boot Ubuntu 20.04 freezing after few seconds of inactivity

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I recently dual-booted Ubuntu and windows.

Now what is happening with me is whenever I leave my screen inactive for about 1-2 mins it freezes.

I can't move the cursor or do anything. It's happening with ubuntu only windows is running fine.

The only option left is to force shutdown and start again.

I have to do this every time.

Following is the list of drivers I am currently using

Please provide me a solution for this. Thanks :)

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After a "sudden shutdown", aka "system crash", and reboot, the terminal command sudo journalctl -b -1 -e will show you the end of the previous boot's log's. If there is no hint there, suspect power/ overheating.

Read man journalctl to see how to extract information from the logs.

You can find how I make use of journalctl easier at

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System "freezes" are often caused by running too many, too large programs and running out of available memory. Use free to see if you have swap space, read man mkswap swapon fstab to create some. Swap space must be contiguous. use mkswap or fallocate, not dd. Traditionally, swap space of 1.5 × RAM has been recommended, but YMMV. If you don't plan to hibernate your system, you can have less than 1.0 × RAM.

Ronit Chaurasia avatar
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Thanks man I think it worked. It didn't freeze this time. I will wait for 1 more day then I'II update if the problem persists.

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