
Search for application like cheese, where i can take webcam photo and copy it directly to clipboard

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I Search for an application like cheese, where I can take webcam photo. But it should be able to copy it directly to my clipboard. Thank you. I have ubuntu 20.04.

EDIT: I will explain it more on detail:

When I make a photo screenshot, I am able to copy the screenshot instantly and to put it somewhere else. Just with clicking on copy or Ctrl+C.

When I make a photo with my webcam, I have to save the picture first somewhere in a folder, than search the picture, than copy it, go back to the place where I want to have the picture and than paste it.

I'm searching for a "webcam software" with the opportunity, to copy the file just after I took a photo with my webcam, without saving it to specific folder, searching it and so on.

For a better understanding, I made a short video of my workflow with "screenshots" compared to the workflow, when i have to take a webcam picture:

It would be great if someone know a programm, where the workflow to paste pictures, which are taken through webcam, can be pasted faster.

Thank you very much.

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Thank you @Community I explained my problem more on detail now, and made a short video for a better understanding :)

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