
Cannot start my own program pressing super+num keybinding or by clicking on icon placed in dock

jp flag

I would like to run an application with switch-to-application keybinding (SUPER+0..9)

Application is not installed with snap or ubuntu repository (apt install). sh file is just placed in my home directory.

I know how to create a .desktop file (/usr/share/applications/my_program.desktop) I know how to 'allow launching' and how to add a new icon to the dock

but somehow my program does not start from the dock (with Super+2 or with mouse click)

enter image description here

ps. double-clicking on my_program.desktop file when this file is placed on Home/Desktop runs program correctly

enter image description here

jp flag
I tried the same on Zorin OS 16 and works as expected.
ar flag
Which version of Ubuntu are you using. It sounds like you are describing the Ubuntu Unity desktop interface. Ubuntu moved to the Gnome desktop as default a few years ago. Please [edit your question]( and add the information about your version of Ubuntu and the desktop environment (Unity or Gnome) you are using.
jp flag
Unity? :) It's Ubuntu 20.04 (Gnome)
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Probably you can install Unity by `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-unity-desktop` and retry from there.
jp flag
Hi, I do not want to install 'unit' - do not know why you are suggesting me this step. Anyways - I moved to Zorin. Thanks

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