
Change the highlight color of text pasted into terminal

us flag

In the recent version of gnome terminal, when text is pasted into the terminal, it is initially highlighted in white.

enter image description here

I would like to change this paste-highlight color to something else (preferably light gray).

How can I achieve this?

I assume this can be configured in ~/.bashrc, but I may be wrong.

(Please note, I am not talking about the terminal highlight color that can be set in gnome terminal's preferences).

vanadium avatar
cn flag
I assume it may rather be a setting in the gnome-terminal application.
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
See .
us flag
@N0rbert, thanks for linking to the bug report; I am already subscribed to it. Based on Egmont Koblinger's comment in the bug report, the highlighting of pasted text is a feature of bash 5.1. My question is, can we make the highlighting *color* something different? Because this highlighting is controlled by bash, I thought there might be something we can add to `~/.bashrc` to change the color (not disable or remove the highlighting "feature").
cn flag
Bash 5.2 allows you to customize the pasted text's colors. See the latest comments behind the aforementioned link.

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