
CPU overloaded when wi-fi is enabled

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I just received a brand new laptop today (the Neptune 15" v2 from Juno Computers) that comes with Ubuntu 20.04 preinstalled. I've been having a strange issue with the wi-fi since about an hour after I turned it on for the first time.

Sometimes, a few seconds after I enable the wi-fi, while it's still trying to connect to my router, the machine starts running agonizingly slowly --- the display updates about once per second. I've run top while it's in this state, and there's a kworker taking up a lot of the CPU when it's in this state. Sometimes it will eventually succeed in connecting to the wi-fi and sometimes it will fail, but either way it will go back and forth between running smoothly and slowing down a lot, and the wi-fi will cut out a lot.

My phone is connected to the same wi-fi network with no problems, and everything is consistently smooth when connecting through Ethernet. The wi-fi device is "Wi-Fi 6 AX200" from Intel.

Does anyone know what this might be? I'm happy to provide any additional information that might help.

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my flag
Hi... If your issue is with overloading CPU you can use gnome extensions like Cpu freq which allows you to control your cpu speed

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