
Error when installing kompozer through the Snap Store

jp flag

I'm getting an error when I try to install kompozer through the Snap Store. Here is a screenshot of my issue:

my kompozer error

I first tried installing kompozer via the terminal from a website, which appears to be a bad idea.

Nmath avatar
ng flag
There's not enough information to help you. Please edit your question and include more context and details. You should include 1) the version of Ubuntu you are using; 2) where and how you obtained the software; 3) everything you've done so far in your attempts to install the software; and 4) exactly what problems you've encountered. Be specific, not vague. Provide clear unambiguous actionable details so that we might reproduce the issue on our ends. Provide all commands used and copy/paste error messages entirely
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Retry from terminal using `sudo snap install kompozer` .

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