
The circle always spins near the text "Available Networks" in Wi-Fi setting in Ubuntu Settings(Ubuntu 20.04.2 Desktop)

in flag

The circle always spins near the text “可用网络” in Wi-Fi setting in Ubuntu Settings. And there is no avaliable network to connecting.
I restarted NetworkManager.service, it did not work.
I edited /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf with replacing as managed=true and saved, it did not work either.
I used nmcli command, it did not work.
I rebooted Ubuntu, it did not work.
My computer: ASUS Laptop
My WLAN adapter: Qualcomm Atheros
Machine state: physical machine

user535733 avatar
cn flag
You will get better help if you translate your output. In your previous question, you stated that some of your output said "Wi Fi adapter not found." If still accurate, that's important information that needs to be in your Question above.
Chen-Y0y0 avatar
in flag
@user535733 I never use GNOME Control Center in English. The English meaning of “可用网络” may be “available networkings”
ar flag
Does it mean "looking for available network"?

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