
My headphones temporarily disconnect when volume gets too loud on ubuntu 21.04

lv flag

I'm using USB headphones (Razer Kraken Kitty Edition) and any time the audio spikes for any reason whatsoever (watching a loud video, someone screams in a discord call etc) My headphones completely disconnect for about 3 seconds. I can post any logs if needed, I'm just unsure what I would need to post.

guiverc avatar
cn flag
It could be a safety feature (I have various safety headsets that cut off for a time when volume exceeds a preset maximum; in the devices I'm talking about that's the intention - but I know some music/pc headsets do the same at certain decibel ratings - if you lower the volume and re-play where it cut out, the sound will not cut-out if volume is low enough to not hurt your eardrums). Note: this may not be your issue; just what you describe fits safety features.
Adnonnymous avatar
lv flag
Yeah, but I've been using this headset for about a year and i had no problems on windows, nor on Ubuntu 20.10, only once i upgraded to 21.04
sg flag

How do you turn the safety feature off? I don't care about my ears and my friends voice disconnects my headphones every time she starts talking

la flag

I recently found that for some odd reason disabling the brightness feature in the synapse fixes the problem for good. Give that a try.


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