
Run java -jar from bash file

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This is my .sh file and I'm trying to run it from a terminal, but it doesn't work even after checking paths, installing libc6-i386 and simplify it to a direct java call. Until here java path was not recognized. Does someone know how to do it?

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath $CLASSPATH com.test.Main
exit 0


bac0n avatar
cn flag
Seems you have a `;` in your classpath.
de flag
You should add simple quote arround your value. `CLASSPATH='/home/daniel/test/commons-lang3-3.5.jar;/home/daniel/test/test-1.0.0.jar:.'`
hr flag
Does `` have DOS/Windows line endings? Check with `file`
danielgolive avatar
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@bac0n seems the right separator is colon
danielgolive avatar
my flag
@ob2 simple quote seems not allowed in this case
danielgolive avatar
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@steeldriver you are right! the file had CRLF line terminators... I recreated the script without CRTL and replaced the semicolon by colon... the issue was solved! :)

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