
Script to rotate screen every time computer logs in

in flag

ubuntu 21 on a lenovo yoga 11e chromebook, and the display is flipped.

Trying to run the command: "xrandr -o normal" automatically every time computer logs in, but it never works. It only works entering in terminal manually. Tried putting in ~/.bashrc , ~/.profile, /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ , /etc/pm/sleep.d/file, tried adding command "sleep 15" before the command, still doesnt work. Tried adding the command to ubuntu startup applications, which creating a .desktop file under ~/.config/autostart, still laptop starts up flipped until manually entering command in terminal. Any help?

BeastOfCaerbannog avatar
ca flag
Try adding this command in your Startup Applications: `bash -c "sleep 15 && xrandr -o normal"`
lhu54 avatar
in flag
worked for startup!! would i add that to system-sleep/, and /etc/pm/sleep.d/file also to get it to work after shutting lid/reopening
lhu54 avatar
in flag
didnt work for closing and reopening lid in those two files. i have automatic login on
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu 21? No such release; Ubuntu has both products that use the *year* format (*snap* only) and the main products which are *year.month* format (*deb* based but can also uses snaps). The *year* products are designed for *headless* operation so have no Xorg installed, so do you mean a 21.04 release?
lhu54 avatar
in flag
i assumed 21 would mean you assume 21.04, which has both xorg and wayland. btw, not a good reason to downvote the question.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu has had *year* format releases since 2016; they are used for *snap* only products; eg. Ubuntu Core 16 etc. Yes you can load GUI apps on them, but they are different systems with very limited functionality for GUI as only apps packaged as *snaps* can be used on them, and the *confinement* models of the *year* products tend to make setup & config different & more complex. Please correct your question.

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