
The Script command issue

br flag

The script command typescripts of everything displayed on your terminal. But sometimes when the output is in colors, it's complaining "output.txt" may be a binary file. See it anyway? if output.txt is the output of the session.

Is there a work-around?

vanadium avatar
cn flag
1) After the facts: You could probably strip out the escape codes that cause the colors to display using `sed` or `awk`. 2) Before the facts: Alternatively, disable any color display in the terminal so that none of these codes is generated and makes it to the script.
BlueSkies avatar
br flag
@vanadium - how to disable/enable color display?
vanadium avatar
cn flag
I would have written a full answer if I knew.
ng flag

ansi2txt can be used to filter out the color escape codes.

Fore more options see:


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