
Format a partition and then the whole disk corrupted

mx flag

I have a laptop which has an SSD (2 partitions for Windows 11 and Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS) and an HDD (3 partitions: 2 NTFS and (maybe) 1 exfat for storing data). I formatted a NTFS partition on the HDD the other day in Ubuntu and restarted the PC. After that I found out that the whole HDD was inaccessible both in Ubuntu and Windows. Does anyone know how to fix this?

in flag
Generally, formatting a partition as NTFS with anything that *isn't* Windows will end in frustration. That said, have you tried to use the disk utility tools in Windows? They should be able to rebuild an NFTS partition. Any non-Windows partitions on the storage device will be lost, though.
mx flag
you mean 'error checking' in properties. it forces me to format and then check disk :)
mx flag
so the chances for me to recover the data isn't really high, right ?
in flag
The fact that the issue is on the HDD makes it more likely that you can recover data, but it's not going to be easy. Some people are able to recreate the partition indexes with fdisk, but many cannot. Some people are able to use data recovery tools like TestDisk, but many cannot.
mx flag
thanks, i've fully recovered the whole disk with easeus partition master

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