
How to merge many files together?

za flag

I have around 58,000 txt files that have the prefix ppdb- in a directory. I want to merge all of them into one file.
Wgen I try to merge them using cat ppdb-* >> out.txt it gives me an error saying "-bash: /usr/bin/cat: Argument list too long".
Is there a way to merge all the files together efficiently?

Gounou avatar
us flag
Have a look at [Cannot merge files using cat ; Argument list too long](
mchid avatar
bo flag
This answer is covered by this similar question with the same bash error:
Gounou avatar
us flag
_Is there a way to merge all the files together efficiently?_ Your question is not a duplicate of the link a give. Maybe there is a way of doing the concatenation more efficiently (the two answers use `cat`).
it flag

Read man find xargs and do something like: (UNTESTED, remove echo when your tests succeed)

find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'ppdb-*' -print0 |\
  xargs -0 -r echo cat >out.txt

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