
How to stick to stock Ubuntu 20.4 LTS without the automatic kernel update during installation? Any boot parameter?

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How to stick to stock Ubuntu 20.4 LTS without the automatic kernel update during installation? Any boot parameter?

Is there any kernel/boot parameter I can pass by entering grub pressing the E button? As I start the install process for Ubuntu and it gives me two options which say try ubuntu and install Ubuntu. I do not want any option such as this. I want to bypass the try/install Ubuntu step and directly proceed to installation without having to automatically upgrade the kernel during the install process. I want to stay with the stock kernel?

Nmath avatar
ng flag
It's not clear what is the problem and your question is not clear. Edit your question and include context and details. It's best if you give unambiguous details. So do not paraphrase the problem in your own words because we won't understand what you are talking about
user535733 avatar
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Why would you want an old, unpatched kernel?

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