
Netconf Server Password Configuration

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I want to create a netconf server and client, by using yangcli. I use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). I want to open two terminals on the same computer, one as server, the other as the client. I can create the netconf server, but when I want to connect to it by using yangcli it wants user, server and password as parameters. It wants password from me, but I didn't configure any password for the netconf server.

I tried using my Linux user password and not writing anything as password, and when I write the password, it gives me val->res is NO_ERR. Error: New session failed: authentication failed! errors. When I use ssh command I can connect to the server, so I think problem is in configuration of netconf or yangcli.

I want to either configure the netconf server with a password or connect to server with yangcli without using a password

I used the files from this source for netconf and yangcli :

user6210457 avatar
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Edited the question, parts in bold is what I want to achieve

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