
How can i update to spyder 5 on ubuntu 20.04?

in flag

I did

conda update spyder

This does'nt seem to work.What else could I do?

tz flag

To upgrade to another version, you simply pass the version desired. For example, I want to upgrade to the latest version as when posting this, version 5.3.3, run the following commands in a terminal:

$ conda update anaconda

$ conda install spyder=5.3.3

Then launch with:

$ spyder

us flag

This is what worked for me:

First I removed spyder:

conda remove spyder

Then I installed spyder 5:

conda install spyder=5

For some reason, I had to put spyder=5 when installing. Otherwise, I would only get spyder 3. Not sure why.

sa flag

Spyder 5 is not available even in the Ubuntu 21.10 development release because it was released on September 16, 2021, a few days before this question was posted, but it is available from the official Spyder website or it can be installed through the Anaconda distribution.

  1. Update Anaconda distribution.

    conda update conda
  2. Install Spyder 5 IDE.

    conda install -c anaconda spyder

    At the time this was written the above command installs Spyder 5.0.5.

  3. Type y to proceed with the installation.

  4. List spyder packages in the current environment.

    conda list spyder
  5. When the installation is finished launch Spyder with the command spyder.

The Anaconda Python Distribution (Linux) webpage has information about advanced options for installing Spyder 5 in Linux.

Spyder 5 core components (source)

  • Editor

    Work efficiently in a multi-language editor with a function/class browser, real-time code analysis tools (pyflakes, pylint, and pycodestyle), automatic code completion (jedi and rope), horizontal/vertical splitting, and go-to-definition.

  • Interactive console

    Harness the power of as many IPython consoles as you like with full workspace and debugging support, all within the flexibility of a full GUI interface. Instantly run your code by line, cell, or file, and render plots right inline with the output or in interactive windows.

  • Documentation viewer

    Render documentation in real-time with Sphinx for any class or function, whether external or user-created, from either the Editor or a Console.

  • Variable explorer

    Inspect any variables, functions or objects created during your session. Editing and interaction is supported with many common types, including numeric/strings/bools, Python lists/tuples/dictionaries, dates/timedeltas, Numpy arrays, Pandas index/series/dataframes, PIL/Pillow images, and more.

  • Development tools

    Examine your code with the static analyzer, trace its execution with the interactive debugger, and unleash its performance with the profiler. Keep things organized with project support and a built-in file explorer, and use find in files to search across entire projects with full regex support.


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