
How to redirect to reverse tunnel server with different port?

jp flag

Server A ( Hosted in private network, need VPN access )
Server B ( Public hosted )
Server C ( U can assume is my own macbook )

I use autossh to setup my reverse tunneling at server A
with this command autossh -f -T -M 20002 -o "ServerAliveInterval 10" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 2" -N -R 19999:localhost:22 user@server_b

Then in my Server B
I able to run ssh localhost -p 199999 to connect my server A.
Server B also enabled ssh port for 22 and 2022 at /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Problem statement:
How do I use command ssh user@server_b -p 2022 at Server C to redirect access the Server A tunnel from Server B?

Big picture
macbook -- ssh ( port 2022 ) --> server B -- redirect ssh ---> Server A

**must able to do scp task

Marc Vanhoomissen avatar
in flag
Hello, could you specify where is Ubuntu in your setup and what version you have?
Zi Gang avatar
jp flag
@MarcVanhoomissen ubuntu 20
Marc Vanhoomissen avatar
in flag
All 3 servers are running Ubuntu?
Zi Gang avatar
jp flag
Server A and Server B is ubuntu 20.. Server C is just an example.. Server C is my starting point to connect the Server A.. Server C is unix base ( macbook )
us flag
  1. To use a reverse tunnel automatically it is recommended to use autossh service.
  2. I recommend to follow those steps:
  3. Change keys between the servers you want to tunnel.
    • save your server A public_key on your server B /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
    • make the first connection manually with ssh user@serverB and see the connection is working fine.
    • do the same with server C - save your server B public_key on your server C /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
    • check the connection manually.
  4. Now you have to redirect the ports you want with autossh - but first lets check that manually:
    • connect to your A server from your local pc with ssh user@serverA
    • on your server A shell - port forward the ssh connection from server A to server B with ssh -R <portX>:localhost:22 user@serverB
    • on your server B shell - port forward the serverA ssh tunnel with ssh -R <portY>:localhost:<portX> user@serverC.
    • now open another terminal on your local pc (without closing the existing terminal) and try to use the redirected tunnel with ssh user@serverC -p <portY> this should connect you to server A through servers C and B in the specific order.
  5. Now after the tunnel seems to work fine we can automate the process by creating an autossh service (here is the one i am using):
Description=Keeps a tunnel to 'VPS' open

ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -M portZ -i /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o "ExitOnForwardFaliure=yes" -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -N -R portX: [email protected] 

Now if you want to copy something into your computer with scp from server A just run the command on your local pc terminal:

  • scp -P <portY> user@serverC:/path/path/filename localpcpath/path/.

Note: my answer assume that you have already created ssh keys and that your sshd_config file is configured well.


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