
How to resolve mkdir : missing operand error in linux?

id flag

I am very new to the linux , i am trying to make a directories from the files which is present in the current working directory, one directory is created but another one is not creating it's throwing an error like mkdir: missing operand

for files in *.txt
folderName= echo $files | awk -F. '{print $1}';
mkdir $folderName;
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Which one is not working? Better use $(basename $file .txt) to retrieve the base name of the file.
cn flag
why do you assume $folderName has a value? :)
bac0n avatar
cn flag
Use string manipulation instead: `mkdir "${file%.*}"`, then you can skip this folderName thing altogether.
uz flag

If you need the output of a command as a new variable, put the command between $(). Like this:

folderName=$(echo $files|awk -F. '{print $1} ';)

To see what you're doing, add another echo command to confirm that the folder name has been correctly constructed:

echo $folderName

before you do the mkdir.


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