
Cannot Connect AirPods to Ubuntu 20.04

cn flag

I am trying to connect AirPods to Ubuntu 20.04 (Kernel : 5.11.0-36-generic), I read many blog posts, but nothing worked, whenever I try to connect, It tries to connect for sometime, and then the Settings App just freezes. Can anyone please help me? Pardon my bad English. Thank you.

Some blogs I read and followed (which didn't work) :

Setting up Airpods Pro on Ubuntu 20.04

How to pair+setup+connect airpod pro on ubuntu 20.04

Update: Issue resolved, see comment.

Shark avatar
cn flag
For anybody who is watching this having a similar problem, Here is a link to a post which solved the problem :
muru avatar
us flag
Does this answer your question? [Ubuntu 20.04 bluetooth not working](
Shark avatar
cn flag
Yes, the link I posted in the above comment worked for me.
nl flag

None of these and other solutions until I tried enabling SSPMode with

btmgmt ssp on

if this doesn't work try disabling it with

btmgmt ssp off

Note: you need sudo rights and you might need to turn off Bluetooth to switch settings.

Bartosz Petryński avatar
cz flag
Helped on Ubuntu 20.04. Thanks!
Abdel-Raouf avatar
us flag
This worked for me perfectly on ubuntu 21.04.
taylor swift avatar
in flag
had the same problem, this was the only solution that worked for me!
DataPlug avatar
sl flag
this worked for me on Pop_OS 21.04. Thank you.
cn flag

After spending 90 minutes trying every solution I finally found something that worked.

Restart the computer, boot into Windows, and use an operating system that while although shitty at least works.

BONUS POINTS: Uninstall Ubuntu and get back your wasted disk space.


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