
Understanding WSL 2 & Ubuntu in NTFS

in flag

I am trying to understand the File System for Windows with WSL 2 and Ubuntu distro. When looking at the root '/" of the file system, Ubuntu operating system is installed in the /mnt directory. However, the my user for Ubuntu is in the "/home" directory. Why is this and how does this work? Also where is WSL2 located? Is WSL2 its' own directory?

Sorry, I am new to the software engineering world and just trying to understand.

Thank you!

Nmath avatar
ng flag
I think you might be confused. The operating system is installed to `/` - this is the "root" directory. User folders are always under `/home/username` - This is not unique to WSL or even Ubuntu. This is standard POSIX/UNIX directory structure. You may want to research "UNIX filesystem" or "UNIX directory structure".
Nmath avatar
ng flag
For WSL-specific directory info, see:

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