
Can't connect to school wifi

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I have recently installed ubuntu 21.04 and I am having problems with connecting to wifi at school. I fill in username and password, click connect and I assumes it would starts connecting, but after a while it just stops.I can connect with windows on the same machine and I can connect to my home wifi with linux. I'm new to linux and have limited knowledge about linux in general. Therefor I don't know what more information you would need to help me.

I have gone to the IT-department at my school and they said "you can not use linux" as in we don't know how to help you. I asked if we are not allowed to use it or if it is just not supported. The answer I got was "We allow it, but if you need help you are one your own. If you can get linux to work go for it."

The only technical information I got from the IT-department is that the security they use is LEAP and if you use proxy you can't connect.

I hope you can inform me on how to solve this problem. Listed below is the details of the laptop.

laptop: Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 15ARH05 OS: Ubuntu 21.04

waltinator avatar
it flag
`wpa_supplicant` says it handles "LEAP", but requires driver support for IEEE 802.11 authentication. Read `man wpa_supplicant`. Look at the logs (read `man journalctl`). `sudo journalctl -b 0 -u NetworkManager` and `sudo journalctl -b 0 -u wpa_supplicant`.
12naits avatar
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@waltinator i have read the through the logs but haven't learned a lot form it, all i can find is that authentication failed. Is there something specific I am looking for in the logs?

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