
How do I get "user locale names folders"

jp flag

I`m writing a script to config a shared zfs partition, independent of which OS distro I decide to boot; To do so I have to store then locale Names of current User who runs the script, which depends of the language I mean "~/Documents" for English or "~/Documentos" for Spanish ... I found difficult automatic this simple issue in my script.

Any suggestion are welcome thanks

PD: the only steep that I make it was, get the actual locale from this file

cat ~/.config/user-dirs.locale

uz flag

I think you look for:

xdg-user-dir DOCUMENTS

See man xdg-user-dir.

Miguel Vides avatar
jp flag
Many THANK`s You have right ... .. I have try this commnd "man xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update" without result, I did not know about THAT command. Thanks again it was quick, And I like it.

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