
Lintian package-installs-apt-preferences

us flag

According to, a DEB package should never deliver anything to /etc/apt/preferences.d/ nor update /etc/apt/preferences.

My package really needs to pin a related but different package to prevent upgrades. Given the above, what is the recommended means of doing so?

ru flag
Manually set your pins on the target machine? Packaging policy prevents you from touching `/etc/apt/preferences.d` or the APT preferences at all and that's a policy that's enforced. If you're needing to alter a pin just for your package, install your package and manually set your pins, or instruct that as part of the installation steps to your end user. That's not something the package should do because pinning includes a LOT of sysadmin and security concerns that're up to the End User / sysadmin to accept.

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