
Using Webmin on Ubuntu server for Samba

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I want to use Webmin for managing user/groups and permissions on a SAMBA server. Is it possible to use Webmin exclusively to do this? Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS

Artur Meinild avatar
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Does this answer your question? [How to install webmin?](
TheCeylann avatar
cn flag
@ArturMeinild sorry My question is notcorrect. I mean, can I do thai with webmin is webmin enought? I want to be sure and I need to ask people who use webmin
David avatar
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Edit the question do not make edits to correct it.
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I guess the answer is "it depends".

If you want to use the most common functionality and options, then yes - Webmin should provide the necessary options.

However, there might be some advanced features and edge cases that's not covered by Webmin, but I'm not aware of what these might be exactly.

The Samba module wiki page explains what settings you can expect to find in Webmin Samba module.


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