
Closing Thunderbird

am flag

When I try to open Thunderbird I get message that it already running and must close it before getting my messages. Cannot close the supposedly running Thunderbird. What is going on? How to fix without Terminal. I am a newbie.

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Looks like a bug [LP: #1932328]( If so, it occurs only when you use Wayland. The immediate workaround is to logout/login again. If you choose an X session at the password screen, you won't be affected by this bug at all. Developers are currently working to fix it.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Whoever voted to close, this may relate to a bug, but there is no indication that this is related to a development version. @user535733 your comment deserves to be a full answer.
hu flag

You can open the System Monitor, find the thunderburd process, and kill it. Alternatively, run pkill thunderbird in a terminal window.

To actually fix it, you'd need to analyse and debug the problem, possibly edit the source code, and recompile. It will take a lot of time, so you probably want to skip it for now.

jerrydc avatar
am flag
Any idea when this bug, if that is what it is, will be fixed. I'll try using gmail while waiting.
jerrydc avatar
am flag
Thunderbird not listed in System Monitor. Is that part of the bug? Is there anyway that I could speed up a solution.

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