Having already several computers running Ubuntu/Lubuntu, I am not new to the installation of Lubuntu alongside with Windows, but still beginer! Today, I am stuck and would love the advice of the community!
I am trying to have Lubuntu alongside Windows 8.1 on a laptop with no native screen (broken a few years ago and completely removed), for which I use a VGA screen.
- Laptop : HP QCWB335 Notebook 650 PC (2017)
- Runs Win 8.1 fine with display on external VGA. The original screen is removed and the cable as well.
- I use my Live USB with Lubuntu 20.04 for the installation (have used it for other installation)
What I have done so far :
- prepared and shrinked Windows : OK
- used the available space to install Lubuntu. Since it is EFI, it seems that I did not have to create a separate partition for boot. I am unsure about this, so great if someone can confirm!
- installed Lubuntu : everything went smoothly. No errors, it seems installed OK.
My issue is that it always start Windows.
I have no screen until Windows is started, so :
- I can not see the BIOS
- I can not see if Windows boot manager displays or not
What I have done so far :
- tried to force the BIOS to use my external display (so I could at least view something and work from there!). None of the tricks I came across worked to force the display on the VGA screen. I tested the Fn key alons, Win key + P, Fn Key + all F keys.
- ran grub-repair. There was a message mentioning that "Secure boot" was enabled. I forced the update of the BIOS and it seems to have disabled the secure mode.
- ran a second time grub-repair to get the report.
I paste here :
I am reaching the limit of my knowledge on this topic and would like your help if possible.
What I would wish ideally : being able to choose between Lubuntu and Windows, with Lubuntu as default.
Thank you!