
DVD tray opens after suspend, at boot after recent kernel updates

cn flag

The DVD tray opens and remains open after suspend, at boot.

20.04.3 LTS currently the -86 kernel, problem began with -84


I see this problem being discussed in other Linux versions but not here?? Is this problem being addressed or should I figure out how to backtrack to older kernel as others have done to fix this issue?

karel avatar
sa flag
This problem was reported to Launchpad as [Bug #1942299](
jeBuntu avatar
cn flag
Fixed with today's -88 kernel. Sincere thanks to those of you devoting time to bug swatting and supporting fairly clueless linux converts.
cn flag

I have the same problem on 20.04.3 LTS with kernel release 5.11.0-36-generic. The fix has apparently already been scheduled into the update cycle. See


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