
Exit virtual terminal

sa flag

I'm using letest version on Ubuntu, I'm entered Virtual Terminal how to I exit. Some body says press ctrl+alt+7 or ctrl+alt+8 but its worked as same what can i do. I have important details on my mechine enter image description here

cn flag

To return from a virtual console to your graphical session on TTY2, press Alt+F2. If you did not yet log in on your desktop, then hit Alt+F1. This will bring you to the login manager on TTY1.

While in a text console (TTY3 and higher), you can move to the next or the previous with Alt+Left/Right.

sa flag
No it doesn't work
vanadium avatar
cn flag
It works like that normally.
sa flag
Its return to virtual Terminal again & again its not work Normally as .. I tried so many this but it's not working please have any methods?
vanadium avatar
cn flag
How do you enter virtual terminal? Perhaps also, why? See also

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