
How to run a task at shutdown after filesystems are unmounted and cryptdisks are stopped?

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After my computer shuts down, my USB HDD keeps spinning. I would like to prevent this, so I created the following systemd service unit to spin it down upon shutdown:

Description=Spin down HDD on shutdown
After=cryptdisks.service systemd-cryptsetup@luks_diskname.service

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/hdparm -Y /dev/sda


This gets executed upon shutdown and the HDD is spun down, but it happens too early despite the various after and conflicts statements I added to the service file. After the disk is spun down, the system still attempts to unmount filesystems and stop crypto disks, which either get stuck until they reach a timeout or they wake up the disk.

How could I fix the order of the shutdown tasks? The system itself is not running from the USB disk in case it matters.

user535733 avatar
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Edit your task to unmount that USB HDD first, and then spin it down. Once unmounted, none of the other tasks should matter.

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