
Ubuntu 20.04 won't load. It's stuck at /dev/sda5: clean xxx/xxx files, xxx/xxx blocks

za flag

After removing some drivers / packages Ubuntu 20.04 is not loading any more. Following commands were executed:

sudo apt-get remove --purge radeon*
sudo apt --purge autoremove

It stops loading at the following message:

/dev/sda5: clean xxx/xxx files, xxx/xxx blocks

underscore indicator is blinking but desktop UI is not loading. I've tried following command:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

it didn't help. Is there any way to fix the UI load without uninstalling the entire OS?

It is possible to boot in the rescue mode and login to Ubuntu, so that I still can login and access the OS through the command line.

PS. I do have enough space on the disk.

guiverc avatar
cn flag
FYI: I don't see anything related to drive error; the `fsck` message is more likely because the OP has **not** cleanly rebooted their machine (eg. didn't use SysRq commands to direct kernel to safely reboot; instead possibly used the power-off thus forced *unclean* off & creating *file-system* issues that caused file-system check; it's a *logical* error not actual *drive* error) @David. Semen; being specific about what you did remove though would help us to help you. You can use *live* media to access your files.
Semen Shekhovtsov avatar
za flag
@David I removed all packages related to the radeon video card and I also run following command: `sudo apt-get remove --purge radeon*` and after that I did `sudo apt --purge autoremove`
Semen Shekhovtsov avatar
za flag
@guiverc I still can login to the Ubuntu OS using Resque mode via command line. It's only UI that won't load.
David avatar
cn flag
editing and updating the question not just giving more info in comments is a good idea.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Following from @guiverc 's comment above, the problem is not that message, the problem is the graphical desktop not loading and the reason for that is because you removed the graphical driver `radeon`. WHY? What problem were you trying to solve? Whatever that was the solution certainly isn't to uninstall the only driver that works.

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