
Ubuntu Denies Active Directory Logon for Single User

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I have an atypical conflict occurring with Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 resolving Windows domain credentials. The issue is limited to a single user, but their account works without issue from Windows devices.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

  1. The user was able to login to the domain from Ubuntu last week
  2. This week- even with a fresh Ubuntu image- the user is unable to access the AD domain
  3. The account can log in from Windows devices on the domain without issue
  4. The problem appears to be fundamental with Ubuntu SSSD.conf
  5. Multiple Linux support forums suggest that there are a range of issues that occur for SID mapping between Linux GUID and Windows counterparts- I think this explains why the issue might be isolated to the account rather than being system specific.
  6. Other domain accounts work without issue both from the original Ubuntu desktop and a re-imaged Ubuntu laptop
  7. I've attempted allowing FQDN and adjusting LDAP ID variables in SSSD.conf with no success. Auth logs states that the "user is unknown to the underlying authentication module."

I'm more a Windows than Linux guy, so appreciate any recommendations on where to go from here.


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